St. xavier's school

Love. Peace. Glory

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.

Patuaha, Saharsa (Bihar) – 852201

General Info


Grade Levels: One to Tenth


Student Handbook

Quick Info

Registration and Enrollment
Testing and Standards
News & Events
Programs & Facilities
Career Opportunities
Staff Directory

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Our Annual Function

Admission Open

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With tremendous completion in every walk of human life, it seems inevitable for us to realize or feel the pulses of time. A nation prospers on the composite composition of its population-techno crafts and administrators. Time is fleeing at a faster pace and a man can be successful only when he gets an adequate impetus needed.

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Our aims & objectives

St. Xavier’s Institute of Development and Social welfare trust was registered in 1985 organized in the year of 1988, by the local intellectual bodies and was registered to the State Government of Bihar under the Sociaties Registration Act in 1985, having Regd. No. 287 /99. The motto of the Trust is “Education to All”. 

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Virtual TouR


Patuaha, Saharsa(Bihar- 852201)

School Hours

M-F: 8am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email


Our Director

” Life poses innumerable challenges and the goal of education is to help one to successfully brave through the rough seas of struggle, strife and hurdles. The strength of character developed in this school holds good for the rest of one’s life. A student is made to blossom intellectually, morally and spiritually.”

Mr. P.P. Albert
