
About Our School
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About us

What We Stand For

With tremendous completion in every walk of human life, it seems inevitable for us to realize or feel the pulses of time. A nation prospers on the composite composition of its population-techno crafts and administrators. Time is fleeing at a faster pace and a man can be successful only when he gets an adequate impetus needed. Before standing the main point it would be relevant, in this concern, to emphasize the Importance of English Language. Keeping in view  its widespread acceptance in the masses. English has acquired a second comfort language status in India. We see that in most of higher jobs, products, hailing from the rural areas, are deprived of their due inspite of having erudite scholarship and fecundity of knowledge. This discrepancy is obviously discernible owing to the privileges and amities provided to the former aid in the deprivation of the latter.
In order to bridge the gulf and in order to enable the students of this neglected and economically backward area to do better In this age of stiff competition, the intellectuals of Saharsa have taken a solemn pledge to create an academic atmosphere congenial and conducive to all. The members of staff have College and University degrees and thoroughly trained to achieve the educational aims of the School.

Our Aims & Objectives

Teaching the Professionals of tomorrow

St. Xavier’s Institute of Development and Social welfare trust was registered in 1985 organized in the year of 1988~ by the local intellectual bodies and was registered to the State Government of Bihar under the Societies Registration Act in 1985, having Regd. No. 287 /99. The motto of the Trust is “Education to All”.
The main objective of the trust is to establish educational institutions on the pattern of English public schools and run them as to model schools aiming at the provision of quality education to all children.
The trust believes that education should develop high moral, social and cultural values in our children and they should acquire the ability to difference between what is right and what is wrong.

A Message From

Our Chairman

I was extremely perturbed to see the deplorable standard of education of our country. In course of my visit to different missionary schools in our country, I was deeply impressed with the high standard of education there’ in comparison to our town, SAHARSA. So, I made myself to regain the lost beauty of education of ancient India, when the light of divine rose first of all imparted, sprinkled and transmitted in every corner of the world. We are very much familiar with Indian Universities of Nalanda, Tskshlts and Vikramshila where education like science, technology, medicines and sports were imparted by our learned Rishi Mahatmas and Senyes! teachers. So, I made my mind to establish and organize institution to give a new dimension to our beloved motherland. In this present situation our nation requires true nationalist for the reformation and prosperity of our mother land and only our educational institution can do it because they playa vital role in building the nation. It is the basic aim of Sf Xavier’s School.

With Best Wishes to Everyone.