Our Extra Curriculum


The term curriculum refers to the lesson and academic content taught in a school on in a specific course or program. Teacher’s curriculum would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments and materials used to organize and teach a particular course. Curriculum also standard the learning goals for an entire school and provide a clear path for students to progress from one grade to another. The purpose of the curriculum is encapsulated in the four capacities to enable each child or young person to be a successful learner a confident individual a responsible citizen and an effective contributor.
Objectives , Attitudes , time , students and teachers , need analysis , classroom activities, materials , Study skill , language skills , vocabulary , Grammar and assessment.
We allow CBSE curriculum. Implementations of curriculum is down by school curriculum committee under the guideline of CBSE Board. School curriculum committee bears teachers representative from all and each areas. They define activities for pedagogical practices, evolve a plan of assessments and mechanism of feedback and refection and ensure its implementation. The committee also ensure its implication . The committee also ensure that the textbook , reference materials are age appropriate , incorporate inclusive principles are gender sensitive have valid content and do not contain any material which may hurt the sentiments of any community and sends the list of books to principal to take a decision according to Para 2, 4, 7(B) of the affiliation byelaws, 2018.
 To provide an extensive curriculum with an emphasis on developing basic bills.
 Ensure restorative practice contributors effectively to building a self – regulating, Self-motivated individual who consistently demonstrate respect, leadership and resilience when faced adversity and challenge.
 Provide high quality teaching experience which excite and motivate children in the classroom and beyond.
 Provide enrichment opportunities where opportunities where learning and teaching can take place beyond the classroom and at the time enrolment the wider community such as parents and cares .
 Provide a curriculum that encourages pupils to extend their interests beyond school for example, club level sports.
 Closely monitored and assess progression in attainment and application of skills.
 Ensure our children know that what they are learning and why and allow time to engage , reflect and review including peer and self evolution.
 Use a wealth of relevant resources in class room, outdoors, in the local community and the wider area including visits and visitors.
 Encourage our pupils to develop their enterprise skills in order for them to grow into innovative, creative, strategy thinking individuals who are equipped with skills that underpin employability. Ensure each and every one of our pupils understands and embraces modern British.